Workplace Pride: Why It Matters and How to Build it

 Workplace Pride: Why It Matters and How to Build it

Workplace Pride is a key component for building employee engagement – and one that’s too often ignored.

When it’s present at work, it inspires individuals and teams to achieve more, communicate better, and build upon each other’s strengths. When it’s not present, employees are likely to be disengaged, unproductive and uninspired.

What is Workplace Pride?

At its most basic, workplace pride is exactly what it sounds like: being proud of where you work. When employees have pride in their workplace, they believe in the company – not just what it produces, but how it operates, how it treats its people, and how it engages with the community at large.

However, too many workplaces fail to recognize that pride can’t just be created from a well-crafted mission statement. Pride is cumulative. It doesn’t come from just one thing, but rather from a series of actions and events that are reinforced over time.

The 3 Levels of Workplace Pride

What makes employees proud of their company? It all boils down to 3 levels:

  • Your job – e.g., you take pride in the work itself.
  • Your team – e.g., you are proud to work with the people around you.
  • Your company – e.g., you are proud of the company’s mission and reputation.

workplace pride

Leading the Way: Best Workplace Pride

Best Workplaces™ consistently put people first – not just in terms of looking out for their own employees but also by caring for their surrounding community and environment however they can. 

Why is workplace pride important?

Pride is more than just a feel-good thing. It creates a stronger, better, more engaged workforce. In fact, Great Place to Work® research has found that when employees feel proud to work at a company, they are:

  • 6 times more likely to endorse their workplace to others
  • 2 times more likely to want to stay with the company for a long time
  • 1 times more likely to say it’s a great place to work

How does your workplace pride stack up against the competition?

Measure workplace pride with our employee experience survey and learn how Great Place to Work Certification can help you attract – and keep – top talent.

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